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其主要研究领域包括农业生产力的测度、国际比较与决定因素分析,基于农户调查数据基础上的农业生产、消费分析,农业科技政策与研发以及国际农产品贸易,农村就业与经济转型发展等。在国内外期刊发表一系列学术论文(包括发表在American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Energy Economics, Food Policy, Review of Income and Wealth, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, World Development等重要经济学期刊刊物)。
1. Sheng, Y., Y. Zhao, Q. Zhang, W. Dong and J. Huang(*), 2022 “Boosting rural labor off-farm employment through urban expansion in China” World Development, 151(3): 105727. Available online at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0305750X21003429?via=ihub.
2. Sheng, Y.(*), V. E. Ball, K. Erickson, C. S. J. Mesonada (2022) “Cross-country agricultural TFP convergence and capital deepening: Evidence for inducded innovation from 17 OECD countries” Journal of Productivity Analysis 58(2022): 185-202. Available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11123-022-00646-z
1. Chambers, R. G., P. Simone, Y. Sheng(*) (2020) “The Millienium Droughts and Australian Agricultural Productivity Performance: A Nonparametric Analysis” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, forthcoming. 5-year Impact Factor: 3.442.
2. Y. Sheng, J. Ding and J. Huang (*), 2019, “The Relationship between Farm Size and Productivity in Agriculture: Evidence from the Maize Farms in China”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101(3): 790-806. 5-year Impact Factor: 3.442.
3. Y. Sheng (*) and W. Chancellor, 2019, “Exploring the relationship between farm size and productivity: Evidence from the Australian grains industry”, Food Policy 84(4): 196-204. 5-year Impact Factor: 5.341.
4. Y. Sheng, X. Shi (*) and B. Su, 2018, “Re-analyzing the Economic Impact of a Global Bunker Emissions Charge”, Energy Economics 74: 107-119. 5-year Impact Factor: 5.790.
5. Y. Sheng, Y. Wu, X. Shi (*) and D. Zhang, 2015, “Energy Trade Efficiency and Its Determinants: A Malmquist Index Approach”, Energy Economics 50: 306-314. 5-year Impact Factor: 5.790.
6. X. Xu (*) and Y. Sheng, 2012, “Productivity Spillovers from Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Firm-level Data in China”, World Development 40(1): 62-74. 5-year Impact Factor: 4.749.
7. Y. Sheng and X. Xu(*), 2011, “Real Exchange Rate, Productivity and Labour Market Rigidities”, Journal of International Money and Finance 30(3): 587-603. 5-year Impact Factor: 2.448.
8. Y. Sheng and X. Xu (*), 2010, “A Generalized Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Model with Search”, Canadian Journal of Economics 43(3): 795-815. 5-year Impact Factor: 0.810.