学术大咖将带给你什么?顶尖科学家们将为学员详细讲授植物发育生物学和分子生物学的基本概念;介绍植物科学领域基础理论研究前沿以及应用领域热点。大咖们也将与来自全国各地的同学与青年教师们分享植物科学各领域的研究方法, 经验, 以及最新成果。此外, 大咖们还将为大家“揭秘”国内外植物科学顶级学术期刊!
研讨会受邀嘉宾(时间:8:00am-10:00pm, 2020.07.17)
北京时间:8:00-11:00 19:00-22:00
北京时间:7:55-12:00 19:00-22:05
July 12 (Monday) Xingwang Deng (PKU)
Plant world and our food crops
Lecture 1: The magic world of plants
Lecture 2: Plants and their interaction with environments
Lecture 3: The crop domestication
Lecture 4: The molecular design breeding of crops
July 13 (Tuesday) Hong Qiao (University of Texas at Austin)
Interplay between plant hormone and chromatin regulation
Lecture 1: Plant hormones I
Lecture 2: Plant hormones II
Lecture 3: chromatin regulation in plant hormone I
Lecture 4: chromatin regulation in plant hormone II
July 14 (Wednesday) Juan Dong (Rutgers)
Stem Cell Biology in Plant Development
Lecture 1: Stem cells in plants: origin and maintenance
Lecture 2: Asymmetric cell division of plant stem cells
Lecture 3: Stomatal lineage division and differentiation
Lecture 4: Cell biological perspectives and methods in plant development
July 15 (Thursday) Meng Chen (UC Riverside)
Plant photomorphogenesis and thermomorphogenesis
Lecture 1: Phytochrome Signaling and Photomorphogenesis
Lecture 2: Phytochrome Signaling and Thermomorphogenesis
Lecture 3: Plastid Transcription I: RNA Polymerases
Lecture 4: Plastid Transcription II: Regulation
July 16 (Friday) Chentao Lin (UCLA)
Photoreceptors and plant development
Lecture 1: Photoreceptors and plant development
Lecture 2: Cryptochrome photoreceptors
Lecture 3: Mechanisms of CRY signaling and regulation
Lecture 4: The interplay of transcriptome, epitranscriptome, and proteome
July 17 (Saturday) PKU Symposium on Plant Biology
7:55 - 12:00 Coordinator: Chentao Lin
7:55 - 8:00 Opening
8:00 - 9:00 Zengjian (Jeffrey) Chen
9:00 - 10:00 Xinnian Dong
10:00 - 10:30 Juan Dong
10:30 - 11:00 Meng Chen
11:00 - 12:00 Chentao Lin
12:00 - 19:00 Break
19:00 - 22:05 Coordinator: Xingwang Deng
19:00 - 20:00 Yu Hao
20:00 - 21:00 Shengyang He
21:00 - 21:30 Hong Qiao
21:30 - 22:00 Xingwang Deng
22:00 - 22:05 Closing
1. 如需要学分,请登录北京大学教务部网站暑期学校(http://summer.pku.edu.cn/)注册报名。
2. 如不需要学分,请通过以下报名链接填写相关信息报名。
注:1. 本暑期班不收取任何费用(需要学分除外)。
2. 我们将于报名截止后的一周内以邮件形式发布课程微信群二维码,课程具体信息将通过课程微信群发布,请务必正确填写报名信息。
3. 有任何疑问请与我们联系: 联系电话:010-62769612 email:saas@pku.edu.cn