【北京大学现代农业讲座 第十五讲】A genomic roadmap to breed better vegetables——黄三文 研究员

报告题目:A genomic roadmap to breed better vegetables

报告时间:2016年10月13日  16:00 ——17:00


黄三文博士于2005年毕业于荷兰瓦格宁根大学,同年回国,在中国农业科学院蔬菜花卉研究所建立实验室,2013年被任命为深圳农业基因组研究所co-founding director,在蔬菜基因组方面的研究处于国际领先的水平。他目前的主要研究方向是黄瓜、马铃薯、番茄的生物学和基因组学。他的工作发表到 Science, Nature, Nature Genetics 等国际知名期刊,引用量超过 5000 。


Next generation sequencing technologies and the associated informatics are transforming biology into big data science. Vegetables are essential for human health and their production constitutes a major section in rural economy, but genomic resource for vegetable breeding was scarce. To overcome this limitation, my lab coordinated and participated de novo genome sequencing several major vegetable crops, including cucumber, tomato, and potato. We also construct genome variation maps for cucumber and tomato, providing millions SNP for molecular breeding. In total, so far we generated 40 Tbps genomic data. We integrated this big data with molecular biology and biochemistry to discover the mechanisms of several biological and evolutionary processes, including domestication of cucumber and tomato, sex determination and fruit elongation in cucumber, and flavor metabolism in tomato. These studies enable a molecular design of a cucumber genotype with bitter foliage for insect resistance and nonbitter fruits even under stress, as well as a tomato cultivar with higher sugar content and pleasant flavor. Furthermore, we are pursuing to re-domesticate potato by genome design, an initiative to transform the tuber-propagated autopolyploid that is difficult for breeding and logistics, into a breeder- and environment- friendly crop that is a diploid and propagated by true seeds.